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Routen durch Herdecke

Entdecken Sie unsere Stadt auf eigene Faust, oder lassen Sie sich kompetent begleiten.



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Review of Herdecke Walking Tour

May 2023 


"My husband and I enjoyed a delightful walking tour of historic Herdecke with Mr. Christian Münch in May of 2023. The rain stopped just before we set out, and the sun shone on the cobblestone streets as the church bells echoed through the village. From its earliest founders resting under an oak tree, to its grain-bearers of market days ... from its narrow medieval streets to its modern textile factories ... Herdecke is a town with a fascinating history. As we strolled over pedestrian bridges and past half-timber homes and cafes, Mr. Münch shared this history with the warmth and insider knowledge of a local. After our walking tour, Mr. Münch gave us a preview of the Herdecke museum which is soon to open. We heartily recommend this walking tour."


Merideth & Paul, USA"
